40% smaller installation space Motion shortcuts for speedy access Shortest accesses with unlimited circular movement Built-in support for force sensors

Brand : Epson
Model : N-Series

Epson’s N series of compact 6-axis robots is capable of performing tasks in tight spaces more efficiently than earlier robots thanks to a uniquely engineered “folding” arm. The N6, which will join the N2 in the N series, was developed to meet the needs of customers who want to transport relatively heavy objects and transport objects over a wide area. Floor-mounted, the N6 has a 6-kg payload capacity and an arm length of 1,000 mm, both considerably larger than the N2. The N6 is ideal for tasks such as loading and unloading electronic components and automotive parts to and from test equipment or shelving and removing medical products. It can reach a wide range of places such as high and low shelves using a smaller installation footprint than earlier 6-axis robots. These features will enable the robot to increase productivity and the efficiency with which factory space is used.

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The Epson brand name was derived from the idea of the company being the offspring ("son") of the Seiko EP-101, the world's smallest electronic printer (EP) when it was launched in 1964. The printer wa…
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