Modular Free-Standing Enclosure – ME Series
ME Series is a modular free-standing designed enclosure with IP40 and IP55 rating, which can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes. With a new frame structure, ME Seires gives flexibility to customer able to adjust the enclosure components and add on other accessories or connect to other ME enclosures. Moreover, the enclosure can give an integration between standardization and customization as per customer requirement.
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Brand : TAMCO
ME Series is a modular free-standing designed enclosure with IP40 and IP55 rating, which can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes. With a new frame structure, ME Seires gives flexibility to customer able to adjust the enclosure components and add on other accessories or connect to other ME enclosures. Moreover, the enclosure can give an integration between standardization and customization as per customer requirement.
Company Info

"LEADING SWITCHBOAED MANUFACTURER IN THAILAND" Thai Switchboard and Metal Work Co., Ltd has manufactured a variety of products under the trademark of TAMCO. We aim to provide a one-stop service with h…
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