
Power Quality

The Schaffner Group is a global leader in solutions that ensure the efficient and reliable operation of power electronic systems by shaping electrical power.The company’s portfolio includes EMC filters, power magnetic components, power quality filters and the related services. For the automotive industry, Schaffner develops and manufactures antennas used in keyless entry systems for vehicles, and filters for the drive systems of hybrid and electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. Schaffner components are deployed in electronic motor controls, in wind power and photovoltaic systems, rail technology applications, machine tools and robots, electrical infrastructure, and in power supplies for electronic devices.
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Model : Ecosine Active Hamonic Filter

Based on the broad knowledge and experience in terms of solutions and applications in power quality the Schaffner Group has developed a new generation of active harmonic filters. The new modular ecosine active sync series offers fitted and economical
solutions for the most demanding harmonicmitigation challenges with any kind of non-linear load involved. Ecosine active sync filter series provides a solution concept which is modular, compact and can be used as stand-alone modules oras system solution. The optional sync module offers a smart load Management of the filter’s usage and allows redundancy which guarantees a smart power quality solution in the era of Industry 4.0. Schaffner provides active harmonic filters with excellent performance in solving power quality problems focusing on customer needs and application demands for cleaner and smarter energy.

Power Quality


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With over 30 years of good business perfomance . Electronics Source Co.,Ltd. Is trusted by world class manufacturer as their authorized distrlbor , dealer and reseller in Thailand.
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